Delta Faucet Delta 1165LF-CZ Contemporary Wall Mount Pot Filler In Champagne Bronze

You save: $299.58
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Champagne Bronze

Champagne Bronze

10 days
Price in points: 34951 points
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Product Features

Filling pots on the stove has never been easier or more affordable, thanks to the new Delta Pot Filler faucet. Very competitively priced, the ADA compliant Pot Filler features a wall-mount, dual swing joint design with dual shut off valves and a 4 gpm flow rate to fill large pots in no time. A pot filler makes it easy to fill large cooking vessels quickly and without the walk from sink to stove.

  • Dual shut off on the Delta Pot Filler faucet allows the user to turn the water off at either the wall or the spout, controlling the water flow at the point of use
  • 24 in. dual swing joints allow the pot filler to easily fold away when not in use
  • Simple on and off with a quarter turn of the handle
  • Simple on and off with a quarter turn of the handle
  • Meets standards set by Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Single hole installation
  • Assembled dimensions: 8-1/8 in. H x 21-9/16 in. D x 2-1/8 in. W
Champagne Bronze
Champagne Bronze
Pot Filler
Delta Faucet
Delta Factory Warranty
Ship Method: Truck Freight Delivery (Learn More)
Ships To: USA 48 States
Ship Time: Leaves our warehouse in 1-3 days
Estimated Delivery Time: 3-10 days after leaving our warehouse

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specification (delta-1165lf-warranty.pdf, 164 Kb) [Download]

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