Grohe 35117000 GROHSAFE 3.0 Pressure Balance Valve with Integrated Diverter

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  • One valve body for both 2-way and 3-way applications
  • Perfectly aligned inlets and outlets eliminates the potential for misaligned piping and rough-in errors
  • Flush plugs/test caps allow valve body to be tested and flushed without the presence of the valve cartridge, sold separately with trim
  • Can be tested using flush plug with air (200 psi) or water (300 psi)
  • Stainless steel retaining ring with flats secures flush plug and cartridge, eliminating the need for screws
  • Flat back allows valve to be mounted flush against cross brace for easy and solid installation
  • DZR cast brass body is durable, corrosion resistant and ideal for prolonged contact with water
  • Back-to-back capability allowing hot and cold to be reversed quickly and easily
  • Exclusive plaster guard is designed to protect valve and act as a guide during installation
  • Plaster guard can serve as mounting support for thin-wall installations
  • Wide rough-in range from 1-3/4 in. to 2-3/4 in. from finished wall to back of valve
  • Includes service stops for easy servicing at the valve
  • Discrete cartridge ships with trim. Shared diverter kit available (sold separately) (14230000)
No Finish
No Color
Shower Valve
Grohe Limited Lifetime Warranty
Ship Method: Truck Freight Delivery (Learn More)
Ships To: USA 48 States
Ship Time: Leaves our warehouse in 1-3 days
Estimated Delivery Time: 3-10 days after leaving our warehouse

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Specfications (161272_M985157_GroheSafe_3.0_PB_shower_valve_trim_35117_original.pdf, 2,293 Kb) [Download]

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